Committees / Meetings

Our next Planning Meeting will be held in the Parish Office on Tuesday 1st April 2025 at 7pm. A copy of the agenda can be found on the Parish Website and the Parish Noticeboard outside the Post Office on Finkle Street. Members of the public are welcome to attend in person or via Microsoft Teams – Meeting ID: 344 373 077 182 Passcode: T5kLDX

Planning Agenda 1.4.25


Residents are welcome to attend the meetings of the Parish Council to witness their Councillors exercising their duties and responsibilities though please be aware that aside from 10 minutes at the start of our Full Parish meetings, or unless commenting on a planning application at a planning meeting, the public are present to observe only. If you would like to participate in the public session it is recommended that you email questions in advance.

The main monthly Parish Council Meetings are held on the third Thursday of every month, except August and December. Meetings are held in the Parish Council Offices, Market Green, Cottingham (unless stated otherwise on the Agenda). The dates of  Planning Meetings vary depending on applications received.

Annual Parish Meeting.

If the Chair of the Parish Council is present, then they chair this meeting and give an overview of things that have happened in Cottingham since the previous May and the work of the Parish Council. There is then an opportunity for Parishioners to ask questions to the Parish Council.

The second meeting is the Annual Council Meeting. This is much the same as a normal monthly meeting but with some additional administration to deal with.

Extra-ordinary meetings and meetings of Committees are sometimes arranged, when required, and details of these meetings will be given separately.

Surgeries can be arranged to enable anyone to come to talk to Councillors in private should they feel the need to do so.