Planning Applications
Applications For Planning Permission
The Parish Council is consulted on applications for planning permission within the village. The Planning Committee meets on an as and when required basis, as the time for consultation is limited. Each application is considered on its merits, with particular attention being given to those applications within the Conservation Area, before a recommendation is made to the East Riding of Yorkshire Council, based upon the “material planning considerations” shown below.
The dates of the Parish Council Planning Committee meetings are shown under “Parish Council News – Meetings/Committees” together with the Agenda and Planning Applications to be considered.
The East Riding of Yorkshire Council has overall responsibility for deciding on all planning applications and offers a number of e-planning services, including Public Access enabling residents to view, track and comment on current applications, view live application plans and documents, submit a planning application on line, view past decision notices, and view Planning Committee agendas, reports and minutes.
For advice on planning applications please visit the East Riding of Yorkshire Council’s planning portal website.
Material Planning Considerations
Material planning considerations are many and extraordinarily varied. They include all the fundamental factors involved in land-use planning, such as:
- The number, size, layout, siting, density, design and external appearance of buildings
- The proposed means of access
- Landscaping
- Impact on the neighbourhood and the availability of infrastructure
Examples of factors that may be taken into account as “material planning considerations” in the decision making process include:-
- Planning history of the site
- Overshadowing
- Overlooking and loss of privacy
- Adequate parking and servicing
- Overbearing nature of the proposal
- Loss of trees
- Loss of ecological habitats
- Archaeology
- Contamination by a previous use
- Effect on Listed Building(s) and Conservation Areas
- Access and highways safety
- Traffic generation
- Noise and disturbance from the scheme
- Disturbance from smells
- Public visual amenity
- Flood risk
- Planning gain
Examples of factors that cannot normally be considered as “material planning considerations” are:-
- Loss of value to an individual property
- Loss of a private individual’s view
- Boundary disputes including encroachment of foundations or gutters
- Private covenants or agreements
- The applicant’s personal conduct or history
- The applicant’s motives
- Potential profit for the applicant or from the application
- Private rights to light
- Private rights to way
- Damage to property
- Loss of trade to individual competitors
- Age, health, status, background and work patterns of the objector
- Time taken to do the work
- Building and structural techniques
- Matters covered by other statute
- Alcohol or gaming licence
Thinking of extending or altering your home?
Do you need planning permission? How? By following the next few steps:
- Always talk to your neighbours about what you are trying to achieve.
- After taking on board your neighbours’ views (and planning officers’ comments if necessary) have your plans drawn up and submitted.
- If you follow the above steps in this order, you should save some time, money and frustration.
The majority of planning refusals could have been foreseen by contacting the East Riding Planning Officers before time and money was spent on plans. Please remember, we are here to help, not hinder. Our job is to ensure that the best interests of all Cottingham Residents are observed.
National Planning Rules & Procedures
Central Government has made changes to planning requirements aimed at reducing the “burden” on local Councils and Authorities that affect your Parish Council’s ability to influence applications of various types with the following broad outlines:
- Residential Planning. The new rules introduced on 30 May 2013 allow for a “neighbour notification” system which gives immediate neighbours an opportunity to lodge an objection to a planning application submitted by a neighbour from an adjoining property within 21 days of notification. The Council can then consider the objection on the grounds of residential amenity only and must do so within 42 days otherwise the application will be deemed successful. The Parish Council will play no part in this process any longer.
- Applications are subject to the same building regulations and must meet maximum size criteria. Applications submitted for consideration within a conservation area must fulfil the previous planning requirements and the Parish Council will be given an opportunity to make recommendations.
- Changes to commercial applications for extensions and rights of use have also been implemented but again, if the property is in a conservation area, previous rules will apply.
These changes remove the opportunity for local Councils to have any kind of stake holding interest in a large number of planning applications which effectively become “notifications” The changes will remain in place for a minimum of three years when a further Government review will take place.
Whilst the Parish Council may no longer have an input into many aspects of the planning process, if you are concerned, or require advice about building work at a property near you, please contact your local Ward Councillor.
More information can be found on the East Riding of Yorkshire Council’s website using the following link.